Taking Part

Your voices and stories are important!

We are at the Phase One : Contextual Assessment and Application. We are engaging service providers, community leaders and members of affected communities in focus groups to explore their experiences and/or perspectives on HIV stigma, existing community strategies or gaps in reducing HIV stigma, and access to relevant support. 

Phase 1A: We are in the process of survey participating/collaborating organizations to obtain their experience and programs in addressing HIV related stigma.

Phase 1B: We are inviting service providers and community leaders to take part in focus groups to explore their perspectives on HIV stigma reduction needs, challenges and facilitators, available resources, and other critical aspects of stigma reduction interventions. Kindly review our recruitment flyer (R1b)

Phase 1C: We ware recruiting individual community members who are living with, affected, or vulnerable to HIV to take part in focus groups to explore their experience and perspectives on HIV stigma, their resistance and resilience strategies to access to relevant support. Please see the attached recruitment flyers for the details (R1ci – men, R1cii -women , R1ciii -trans & Non-binary). If you are interested and eligible, please register by completing the registration and consent form.

Stay Tune for our ACE Training Activities!

Our ACE Training training programs at PHASE TWO and PHASE THREE will roll out in the near future. Please stay tuned by checking our website and social media channels for updates, if you are interested to be enrolled in the coming months.

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